A Peace of the world

April 8, 2010

Have you ever found yourself wanting world peace? Have you ever imagined what that would look like? What would be different? What would have to change to have world Peace?

It has been said that if you put the wisest minds together in a room with the intention to have them come out with a list of how to create world peace. They would never come out, because they would fight over how it should be done.

I like the idea of world peace. Sure there is a part of me that says with out war we would not appreciate peace. But to that part I say, “you can still have chaos and destruction without war.” Pain and anger are natural, hate is man made.

That being said, in the past as I pondered what I can do to create world peace I have become overwhelmed with how small I am compared to the amount of war and violence and hate that is out there.

At times I have found solace in knowing that there are other people on this planet that are standing for peace but all to often I find that they are actually creating war by trying to project their view of what peace is and how it can be attained… and again I feel small.

A week ago I attended the SyncCreation Advanced Workshop and had the opportunity to look at my beliefs about peace and what it would take to create it in this world, in my life time.

I again had my beliefs about my ability to make a difference on such a huge challenge show up. At first I was a little disturbed that I was going to be using my energy on something so distant and possibly unattainable. Why not put it on something smaller, more local, etc?

As we prepared to focus our intention and send energy to world peace Dr. Joe Gallenberger invited us to increase our energy so that it is bigger then the challenge at hand and even bigger then this world. From a left brain interpretation that made sense on quantum physics, size is all relative, way. There is a universe in me (my atoms, cells, etc) and we are a universe in another universe, in another and so on (more on this, another day).

So I decided to give it a try. We sat in a circle and sent energy to the center with the focus and intention of moving world peace one step closer. As I began, I let my energy climb combing from the sky, meeting with the earth mixing with my heart and moving towards the middle of the circle through my hands.

I watched/felt the energy move out me going to the middle of the circle. I began to feel my energy expand until I/it filled up the room, until it filled up the city, the state, the U.S. Then as it span across oceans I found stepping back, as if to exit the earths atmosphere. I rapped my arms around the earth and felt it size shrinking in my embrace until I found myself holding it in my hands.

No longer was I sending my energy to the middle of the circle, I was sending my energy to the earth as I stood among the stars. At that moment I had the thought to send the world peace by creating a REBAL (an energy balloon) of peace around the earth.  As I went to do this it became clear that there was already a REBAL around the earth.

When I realized this, something clicked in my conscious; that the earth itself is already peace. That it has a REBAL of protection and that each piece of the earth, of Mother Nature, with all of her many facets, is peace, harmony, creation, passion… As this realization flooded over me I experienced an overwhelming feeling of support; that I was not alone in creating and maintaining peace on this planet.

With that thought I leaned in to look at the dance of peace that I held and found myself falling into the world as if it opened up to embrace me with its peace. Next thing I new I was in a meadow with one singular tree. It was a very modest tree, nothing spectacular about it.

But even though the meadow was barren for miles I could feel a glow of peace radiating from the tree as if the size of the tree was an illusion. The glow from the tree was that of a thousand forests and as I gazed at its beauty I heard as clear as day “as long as there is one tree there will always be a being standing for peace” .

Overwhelmed with the power of this message and with my attention on the tree, I did not notice that the meadow had turned from a barren meadow to one rich with life, trees, bushes, birds, animals… I could feel the peace exuding from each of them as it surrounded me.

I took a deep breath to breathe in the moment and as I did, I became aware that I too was radiating with peace. I could feel it as the harmonious symphony of my cells and organs worked to sustain life. I could feel it vibrate through my nervous system as it transmitted this experience across the network that is me.

Tears formed in my eyes as if they were being pushed out to make room for the immense gratitude I was feeling. Gratitude for truly feeling the peace that is me, gratitude that I now knew I was never alone and would never be alone, grateful for this surreal moment that would forever change my belief; about peace, the size of my soul, this beautiful earth and much more.

Through my gratitude I found myself back in the circle, in the room, in SLC Utah. I could hear the breaths of those in the circle with me and a smile came across my lips as I knew they too were a stand for peace…

…I am a peace of the world…

Creating my world, one day at a time!

March 16, 2010

3 Months and 16 days and not one time has the Magic of creating a Clear Intention failed me.

I am sure you have heard it before. All of this talk about; the law of attraction, affirmations and creating a clear intention to manifest it into existence.

I have met many people and gone to many workshops (both business and Spiritual) that have issued a challenge to apply the law of attraction to making your day each morning.

All of these suggestions were ridding the wave that books like; The Secret, Abraham Hicks, The Power of Now, etc, had created. It all sounded like a great idea and years ago, with the support and prompting of a life coach, I even gave it a try.

This was the plan; every morning grab my journal and write down what I wanted to create each day. Every night grab the journal and write down how it went and what lessons I learned. Great plan and I did it… for about 3 days.

What were my results? Lots of moments, after the three initial days, of sitting in my car, on the way to work, realizing that I had forgotten to do it again and cussing under my breath with a promise to do it tomorrow.

I know that there are those of you out there that have pulled this one off. People who somehow manage to take the time every morning to write down in their journal. If you are one of these people, I invite you to comment below on how you did/do this!

To those of us who don’t pull it off that way. I invite you to keep reading…

So, here I it is over 6 years later and somewhere along the way, I realized I had a belief that “it has to look a certain way”.

I think the belief that “it has to look a certain way” was also amplified by my, what many have called, OCD. A great curse to have, if you are making business plans and management systems, etc. Not so great, if you are attempting to find a way to manifest your intentions into reality.

I have the thought, that I am not the only person who has found that a certain belief was/is standing directly between them and what they wanted. This belief often led me to frustration, expectations and disappointment.

The first step was acknowledging the belief. The second step was to do some work that would clear the belief while practicing a new one (more on this another time).

On January 1st, along with the millions of other New Years Resolutionists, I decided to give it another go. Since the last time I tried, I had picked up / created a few tools that have made my ability to set goals and achieve them sky rocket so I figured now was the time. Except this time I didn’t have the belief of “it has to look a certain way” fogging up my vision.

Every morning, when I get to work, I see this bright neon pink post it that I leave out on my desk (pink for dramatic affectJ). I keep it simple and write at the top of the pink post it “created today” (affirmation in the now). Then I write a list of what I am creating.

That’s it, no journal and not even until I get to work. Granted, I leave my car ride to work up to chance and on weekends I usually get around to doing it at 11 am but I have found that doing it this way works great… for me.

So here I am 3 months and 16 days later… and what are my results? I can honestly say that every intention I have written, I have created!

Granted, I am keeping my intentions to things that I don’t have huge beliefs about (fears, doubts, behavior patterns, etc. Those I am still working on and they will make this list soon. But with what I am writing down I have accomplishing some pretty miraculous stuff.

Here is an example. One day I wrote:

Created today

  • Connection
  • Energy
  • Fun

And on that day I meet 3 new people that I really connected with and became friends with. I had tons of energy and the whole day was a blast. In fact, now I write Energy on almost all of my days.

Here is one of my favorites. Just one week ago, I wrote:

Created Today

  • Energy
  • Financial Abundance
  • Accomplishment

With in 10 minutes of writing this my wife called me and said that she had talked to the hospital about the baby delivery bills. (They had told us the day before that we still owed them $750 dollars. When my wife told me this I couldn’t believe my ears, not another bill!).

When she called them up them up that morning they noticed that they had screwed up and that they owed us almost $1,000 dollars. With this new news we ended up paying off all the rest of the doctor bills with money left over… and on top of that I had a ton of Energy and accomplished allot!

Over and over this has worked for me and here is why I think it does this time:

  • Unlike last time, I found a way that worked with the way I all ready do things, i.e. lists, at the office, pink post its, etc.
  • Instead of assuming I know how the energy, financial abundance, etc is going to come to me, I stay open to how ever it might come.
  • I stay aware, conscious and in tune so that when it comes I notice and I take advantage of it.
  • And I practice it over and over so that I train my mind, body and spirit that this is reality not just theory.

If you are all ready manifesting your day, each day, keep it going, you are a superstar. To the rest of the world that, like me, didn’t pull it of at first try, here is my invitation for you; keep going! Find a way that makes sense to you and the way that you do things. Notice the beliefs that might be standing in your way and above all keep it simple!

–          Mr. Rogers

Be carefull what you wish for… I got it all and then some!

January 12, 2010

It is a new year, a time for reflection and creating new direction.  How was your 2009? After chewing over this question for a time I decided that I was glad that 2009 happened as long as it never happens again… ever!

Have you ever heard the saying be careful what you wish for? Well that was my 2009, the year of getting what I asked for and then some.

It all started December 2008 when I attended the first SyncCreation Workshop in Utah (traditionally they are done internationally).  Technically it started when I was asked to join the SyncCreation team and met Dr. Joe Gallenberger. From my first exposure with SyncCreation I have been on my seats edge…

… I tend to be a very left brain, facts, tangible, down to earth kind of guy. I have also had many spiritual experiences that defied definition. These spiritual experiences were put in the gray space of my mind under quantum physics (once again a left brain approach to spirituality). I didn’t try to duplicate these experiences and instead, spent more time trying to explain them using the beliefs I had all ready subscribed to.

That is when SyncCreation shook it up. SyncCreation has science backing it up; they use brain patterns and sound frequencies through headphones to create/duplicate intense, deep, stages of meditation. They then use these stages as the platform to manifest from while using the sea of humanity (people, Mentor, community, etc) to aid in the manifestation. They have conducted double blind tests; have a focus on results and have more then 20 years of research backing it up. I was hooked. Here was a window into the spiritual that had been laid out in such a way that it made it through my no Woo Woo filters.

Now before SyncCreation I was no stranger to Manifesting, the Law of Attraction and Psychokinesis. I went to the Great Life Foundation, read the Secret, saw What the Bleep Do We Know and the Matrix, and have spent many a years contemplating the universe. I thought that was a pretty solid foundation to understand the powers that be.

Understanding them, maybe, actually playing with them and using them in my life, not even close.

Okay I know I am getting a little off course. Let’s go back to the workshop in December 2008. It was Wednesday morning and I was in a room with some familiar faces, the people I work with, my wife Mimi, my business partner Justin and his wife Angie and a few other friends and acquaintances.

Then it began, 4 days of meditation, manifestation and awakening to the power that I hold, that we all hold…

…Can you meditate and completely clear your mind (cut out the brain chatter)?

After you cut out the brain chatter can you then expand your mind to receive messages and intuition?

Then, can you create a clear intention and a detailed pattern of it happening in your life all while, acknowledging, understanding and clearing the beliefs, fears, doubts and habits that prohibit it from coming into existence?

I couldn’t even get my mind clear let alone all of the other stuff before SyncCreation and it wasn’t from a lack of trying. But that is exactly what I did in that first workshop. No I didn’t do this with out some speculation. I had my fair share of doubt creep back up as I went away from the weekend. But I also had some solid experiences that I couldn’t deny (there is something about lighting a light bulb with your energy that makes theory reality!!!).

I put my notes, my experiences and my intentions on a shelf. I took them down from time to time to see where they were but it wasn’t until this December that it smacked me in the face. Here it was, exactly one year later and I was swimming in the manifestations of my intention.

I had my dream house, a room I could turn into a recording studio, a man shed, a huge cigar selection and some awesome vacations. It even got to the point were I was manifesting little things on a weekly basis like a new HD computer monitor, a mini fridge, finally figuring out a recording program, clothes, etc.

Yes these are all very material things, but my intention list had a tone of material things on it. But I also got the non material parts of my list, confidence in my business knowledge and skills, knowing what I am exceptional at, connecting with my son through things we both enjoy, connecting with my ancestry, creating new friends that expand my view of the universe and most importantly a beautiful, happy, healthy baby girl!!!

Sounds like a great year right? And it was. But it had a very high price. The universe listened and it came fast and hard. I have been sick more times this year then I have been in the past 8 years. I have had more stress then I can ever remember.  I have had more challenges that pulled at my soul then should happen in a year.

Some might say the adversary stood up to challenge me and/or detour me from creating such a miraculous year. I however, do not believe that is the case. I do not believe there is any force trying to stop my progression. I instead believe that I asked for a ton of things and in order for them all to happen I had to clear out a ton of things to make room (beliefs, doubts, fears, energetic blocks, etc). I spent long hours accomplishing this and it took its toll on my health.  I wanted a deeper connection with my family and ancestors and my grandfather died, not what I had in mind but it did create a deeper connection with my ancestry.

Yes 2009 was an epic year. Yes my list was accomplished both physical and spiritual. I am grateful for 2009 and it’s lessons and the results that I have to show from them. And I go into 2010 having learned that it is a horrible idea to buy a huge house that needs to be rehabilitated from top to bottom, while having a pregnant wife, working on 3 different companies as well as my own and with a whole list of intentions coming into fruition.

Once again, be careful what you wish for. You just might get it… and all at once!

During this recent SyncCreation workshop that happened last week. I decided that this year I am focusing only on a few manifestations; a super human immune system, a very peaceful, calm, complete household, a deeper spiritual and physical connection with my wife, spending time every day with my daughter and son, catching more fish, deepening my connections with my friends and family, making music and providing more value to others and receiving abundance in return.

You might notice there are a lot less material things this year. No it isn’t because I became more enlightened, it is because I got most of my material list done last year. Go ahead manifest the material, get the list of things that you desire in your life. That way you can join me in manifesting some of the finer things in life like health, connections with friends and family and creating art all from the comfort of the material things you have all ready manifested… I will be J

Bring it on 2010… nice and easy.